Welcome! I am Dr. Alicia Gómez.

I am a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist and a Self-Healing Coach. I help people change thought/feeling patterns, practice self-love, and align their mind, body, and spirit.

I am the founder of It’s a Vibe Therapy and Wellness, where virtual 1:1 therapy support is offered to individuals and couples as well as virtual coaching groups for community healing and support.

If you’re visiting my website, you might be looking for relief, hope, or a change of some sort. Perhaps you’re tired of the racing and critical thoughts, feeling imprisoned in your mind, feelings taking over your happiness, battling depression, feeling isolated and alone, not living out a confident version of yourself, or communication challenges in your relationship.

You are not alone and there is hope.

I specialize in journeying with people navigating these challenges and help them reclaim a vibrant life and relationship. The first step is deciding that you’re sick of living like this and making the decision to do something different.

Once you’ve done that, you are just one thought, one conversation, one decision, one community, or one vibe away from living the life that you desire.

Let’s get to work!