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Community Healing Groups

Healing in community offers many transformative benefits that go beyond what one can experience in 1:1 therapy/coaching.

Community is a place where relationships are built, connectedness is felt, and where transformation can occur.  As social beings, community is where we find comfort and a sense of belonging during difficult times. 

Studies show that trauma isolates the individual and breaks the bonds between the individual and community. However, through relationships, recovery is possible.

Some of the positive outcomes of community-based healing include:

  • Experiencing community
  • Feeling connected
  • Expanding social support
  • Challenging the effects of trauma
  • Hearing commonalities that validate your experience.
  • Experiencing the healing properties of story-telling
  • Regaining personal agency
  • Transforming through synchronistic events

If you’re interested in joining a community healing group, contact me today for a free consultation.

"Alone you can go fast but together we can go far." -African Proverb